Hair loss is one of the natural functions of the body. Hair loss between 50 and 100 times a day is quite normal and common. However, this number may be much higher in people with unhealthy hair. The reason for this may be hormonal imbalance, psychological stress, blood circulation problems or just genetic tendency. In order to understand what trend the hair will show after hair transplantation, it is important to be able to distinguish between post-operative hair loss and normal hair loss.
The biggest problem for women and men in old age is hair thinning. Partial hair loss due to permanent hair loss is one of the most important factors that badly affect our appearance. Hair loss or significant problems with it cause people to use different methods. One of the applications for hair treatment is hair transplantation methods. Since these methods have their own characteristics, people should do very good research.
There are some questions people ask themselves before a hair transplant. The first is whether the hair is lost after the transplant. Before the transplant, you need to gather information on each topic and decide how you want to proceed.
The hair loss after the hair transplant
What most worries people about a hair transplant is whether hair loss occurs after the transplant. It is true that many people experience hair loss after the transplant. However, this spillage is not permanent. As a result of the process, it is possible to lose part of the original hair. Even in the areas where hair is planted, a temporary loss can become more apparent. However, this situation is completely temporary and part of the natural course of the operation.
After the scalp gets used to the transplant, the loss is replaced with new hair within a few months and this hair becomes stronger. The detachment and thinning of the original hair that occurs during hair transplantation is called Telogen Effluvia. It is a known situation and patients will be given detailed information about this problem before the transplant is completed. In addition, dandruff begins to recover in a few weeks because the hair loss is only temporary.